Who is God?
This has to be one of the most difficult things for mortal man to understand because how can we believe if we cannot see it? But what if you could feel God? What then?
God does exist, and the Father is a being of real existence and personality. God is Soul, and Soul is God. God is Love, and His Love extends his care and mercy and interest in you and in all His creatures. He is a God who knows what His creatures are doing and in what way they are making use of their souls and bodies. As the scripture say “the pure in heart shall see God”, as we become more pure in heart by asking for God’s Divine Love those qualities that are ascribed to God can become a part of us, and we as possessors of Divine Love, we could see those attributes of God in our souls.
God has a form, but only those with such soul development through the receiving of God’s Divine Love can become part of the Soul of God and then discern and realize God as an entity.
God does have a form as such to give Him an entity and Substance and a place of habitation. It is a mistake to believe that God is in the trees, rocks, thunder, lightning or in men or beasts. No, this concept of God is not correct.
God then, is Soul, and that Soul has its form, perceptible only to itself or to those of have sufficient possession of the very Substance of God’s great Soul who becomes like unto God, not in image only, but in very Essence through the receiving of Divine Love.
Any person can come to perceive God if their soul possesses the sufficient amount of Divine Substance through the receiving of God’s Love.
How do I receive God’s Divine Love?
Simply ask for it. God gives his Divine Love freely to those who ask for it through prayer. You don’t have to believe this to be true because you can test this for yourself. Jesus gave us the prayer to use to ask God to send His Divine Love to fill our soul.
Take the test; there is nothing to fear about asking for God’s most wonderful gift. Ask and you shall receive, for Divine Love will never be withheld from you if you ask in prayer with a longing in your soul and earnest aspiration. Find a quiet spot and take a moment to earnestly pray for God’s Divine Love and feel the glowing of His Love in your soul. Jesus gave us the prayer, and we only need use it to ask for Divine Love and you will receive it.