Divine Love and the Great Miracle of the Universe
Welcome to our website about Divine Love. You landed on this site for a reason. Whether that reason be a voice from deep inside or some exterior nudge, it really does not matter. If you were like me, you are seeking an answer to something that’s been bugging you inside. This site is dedicated to informing others about Divine Love, something I knew nothing of less than a year ago.
For me, the journey that led me to this place was something like this. I believe in an “afterlife”, but I had no clue what that meant. I believe in a God, but who or what was he/she? I grew up Catholic, but there is so much turmoil, doctrine, dogma, and even hatred and wrongdoing within the church that there just had to be something else.
Consider these three things:
- Do you believe in an afterlife, meaning a place where your spirit goes after your physical body dies?
- If you believe in a spirit world, do you think it is possible that someway, somehow, some spirits can communicate with some people (human beings) still living on Earth?
- If so, then why can’t spirits of every name, every level of social status, and every time period from Earth, be able to give messages to those of us here still living our day-to-day lives on Earth?
Here you will find a home that answers all three of those questions, and answers them in the affirmative!
There is a life after you pass from your physical body here on Earth
Whether you are religious or not, there is a spirit life after you die. It does not depend on your belief in God, the religion you follow or don’t follow, or even whether you believe in any god at all. As surely as you are living now, when you die, you pass into the spirit realm.
It is possible for spirits to communicate with us here on Earth
The ability for spirits to communicate with the living has been with us since the beginning of Earth time. In times of antiquity, more people were “tuned in” to their spiritual side and were able to receive messages from the spirit world. Today, more and more people are coming to the realization that, not only is there communication with the spirit world, it is happening right now – all around us. There are even television shows that features such persons – we call mediums. Have you seen the newest show on The Learning Channel (TLC) regarding the Long Island Medium? Or have you heard of John Edwards, James Van Praagh or the many other present day mediums. Mediums can communicate with the spirit world, and they do so in many different ways that will be explained in more detail in the pages here.
Spirits From All Walks of Life, Social Status and Spiritual Status Do Communicate!
This brings us to the heart of the subject matter of this website. We’ve touched on the fact that there is a spirit world where your soul goes after you die. We’ve also touched on the fact that there is communication from the spirit world, and this communications continues to this day.
There is literally an unlimited amount of ordinary friends and loved ones all the way up to kings, presidents, movie actors and others who continue to communicate from the spirit realms. The greatest of these is none other than Jesus himself. Yes, Jesus of Nazareth; Jesus from the Bible, Jesus the Son of God!
Yes, Jesus has returned and given messages to mediums since his death some 2000+ years ago. The most remarkable, though, must be the messages Jesus gave through the medium James Edward Padgett from 1914 through Padgett’s own death in 1923.
Who was James E. Padgett?
Padgett was a remarkable medium that received nearly 3,000 messages from many spirits, including Jesus. Born on August 25, 1855, Padget hailed from Washington, D.C., and studied law. He became a lawyer in 1876, and he practiced law in Washington, D.C. He remained in the Washington area while practicing law for over forty-five years. He passed away on March 17, 1923. While at school, Padgett became close with one of his professors, Joseph H. Salyards. After the professor died, Padgett received many spirit messages from his former professor.
Padgett never knew he was was a “medium”. He was happy practicing law in the U.S. Capital, surrounded by Presidents, Generals, Congressmen and the like. However, in February of 1914, Padgett’s wife, Helen, passed away. It wasn’t until his wife passed that Padgett turned his desire to reconnect with his wife, and indeed, Helen was the first person to write Padgett from the spirit world.
There are several different types of mediumship, which generally fall within two broad categories: mental or physical mediumship. For mental mediumship, there are persons who are gifted with clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience or trance mediumship. James Padgett was gifted with the mediumship known as “automatic writing”. As one website explains it:
“In the case of Automatic Writing the medium will sit holding a pen/pencil with paper before them will then, and the spirit communicator will influence the reflex muscles their hand sometimes at great speed to convey their communication onto the paper. Whole books have been written in this way. The medium may be oblivious of the content of the communication until she/he reads it at the end. . . Again it is possible that in the case of automatic writing the medium may not enter a clearly observable trance though some will enter a trance state to some degree.”
To the left is a copy of one of James Padgett’s automatic writings, this one from Jesus is the very message where Jesus provided Padgett a prayer that anyone could use to receive God’s Divine Love. During automatic writing, the message is coming so quickly that the medium rarely lifts the pencil/pen from the paper, and generally there are no paragraphs or punctuation.
For the rest of his life, James Padgett received thousands of messages from spirits, including over 200 messages from Jesus. During this time, Jesus gave to Padgett messages to clarify his mission while on Earth, and to reiterate that the primary message above all others was the gift of God’s Divine Love! In addition, Jesus corrects many of the myths, mistakes, interpolations and mistranslations in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Why Should I Believe Any Of This, Why Should I Believe In Divine Love?
To put it bluntly, you don’t have to believe it. In fact, you can test it yourself. Test it yourself! In fact, Jesus expressly states that you should:
” test my teachings that the Father’s Love was now available, and pray for it to the Father in earnest prayer, and see whether, if this was done in sincerity, the Father’s Love, conveyed through the Holy Spirit, would burn and glow in the soul, by which sign they would realize His Love was present therein.” Jesus of Nazareth. The gift of Divine Love is available to everyone, regardless of race, creed, color or religious affiliation or lack thereof.
What is Divine Love? The Concept of Divine Love is Simple
The concept of Divine Love is simple and compliments the teachings of the New Testament. Compared with all the dogmas and doctrines of various orthodox theories on how to be saved by following Jesus, this is the most straight forward and simplest. You can prove it to yourself – just test it yourself, and You will actually FEEL this Love. Try this yourself and earnestly pray for God’s Divine Love and feel the glowing of His Love in your soul.